The Rasoolullah(ﷺ) was the most just, the wisest and the most truthful of all mankind. He(ﷺ) was remarkable in position and rank. He(ﷺ) was well versed in Arabic and noted for eloquence and fluency. If we cast a glance over his(ﷺ) life, we come across numerous instances where we see him(ﷺ) as an embodiment of peace and forgiveness. Simplicity and sincerity were the hallmarks of Hazrat Muhammad's(ﷺ) personality. He (ﷺ) liked to do all sorts of daily tasks himself. He (ﷺ) would patch his clothes, mend his shoes and milk his goats with his own hands. He(ﷺ) even swept the house himself. He (ﷺ) would tie his camel and look after it himself. The Holy Quran says, "Certainly, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes to reach Allah and the Last Day (the day of reaching Allah before death) and remember (repeat the Name of) Allah much." (Al-Ahzab-21, Surah The Confederates Verse-21) Once Hazrat Umer visited the Rasoolullah(ﷺ). He was amaz...
What is Search Engine Optimization SEO it's the practice of optimizing content to be discovered through a search engines organic search results think of a search engine as a filing system in a library the library has potentially billions of books with hundreds of trillions of pages. so let's say you want to find information on health supplements the search engine will then look through all pages in its index and try to return the most relevant results now the first search engine you're probably thinking of is Google Search Engine but there are tons of other search engines you can optimize your content your website . How SEO WORK for example YouTube SEO is the process of getting traffic to your videos in YouTube's organic search results amazon SEO is the same but you're optimizing your product pages to get free organic traffic. Google SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank on Google and drive more traffic to your web pages. now search engi...