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Dignity of labour : Why it's Important : Abid Hussain Academy

Dignity of labour means that all types of professions are respected equally. No profession whether physical or mental is superior to others, It is said, "Work is worship". The underlying thought in the saying is that every profession is noble, dignified and honourable. The proverb equalizes work with worship.
Dignity of labour means that all types of professions are respected equally. No profession whether physical or mental is superior to others, It is said, "Work is worship". The underlying thought in the saying is that every profession is noble, dignified and honourable. The proverb equalizes work with worship.  Islam is a complete code of life. It guides the mankind in all spheres of living. Dignity of labour is no exception in this regard. The life and sayings of the Rasoolullah(ﷺ) highlight the honour in which labour, both manual and intellectual, is valued by Islam. He(ﷺ) loved to work with his own hands. He(ﷺ) is reported to have said: "No body has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. Hazrat Daood never ate anything but the earnings of his manual labour". Bukhari, Buyu'15)  When Masjid-e-Nabvi(ﷺ) at Madina was being built, the Rasoolullah(ﷺ) participated in the process of its construction. He carried the stones, mixed mortar and built the walls. In journeys, he insisted to share the duties. He pitched his tent, chose firewood, carried water, and so on.  The merciful Nabi(ﷺ) always helped others in their work. Workers are our brothers and sisters. They are our helpers. We need them; we depend on the for many things that we cannot do for ourselves. Hazrat Muhammad(ﷺ) said, "Your brothers are your responsibility. Allah has made them under your hands. So whoever has a brother under his hand, let him give him food while he eats and dresses as he is dressed. Do not give them work that they will overload them and if you give them such a task then provide them with help."(A-Bukhari)  Both intellectual and physical work is known as labour. A teacher teaches at school. A lawyer practices law in court. A farmer works in hields. A worker works in factory. A miner works in the mine. A doctor practices medicine. An artisan works in a lactory. A clerk works in an office. Dignity of labour demands that the work of arusans, farmers, miners etc. should be regarded as respectable as that of doctors, teachers, lawyers etc.  Prosperity of a nation depends upon the hard work it does,lf a nation does not give importance to labour it will remain backward. European nations learnt to work with tools and machines after the industrial revolution. The progress of Europe is outcome of the hardwork of the people and the recognition of labour of the labourers.Common workers work in factories, fields, mines etc. Their labour moves the wheel of progress. This movement brings prosperity and progress of a country. Hence, we can say work is power. Therefore, work should be given recognition and importance. On the other hand, physical labour keeps us active an physically fit. It also promotes fellowship and co-operation.  In the developed countries people recognize dignity of labour. There is no servant class in the west. The people do their household work themselves. They do not feel any disgrace in this. Whereas, in underdeveloped countries well-to do people consider it below their dignity to work with their own hands. For progress it is essential that we should get rid of such false ideas of dignity and respect.  It is high time that we should recognize that all labour is dignified and prestigious. No profession is inferior or superior to others. It is our attitude and thinking that makes it dignified or otherwise.

Dignity of labour in Islam 

Islam is a complete code of life. It guides the mankind in all spheres of living. Dignity of labour is no exception in this regard. The life and sayings of the Rasoolullah(ﷺ) highlight the honour in which labour, both manual and intellectual, is valued by Islam. He(ﷺ) loved to work with his own hands. He(ﷺ) is reported to have said: "No body has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. Hazrat Daood never ate anything but the earnings of his manual labour". Bukhari, Buyu'15)

When Masjid-e-Nabvi(ﷺ) at Madina was being built, the Rasoolullah(ﷺ) participated in the process of its construction. He carried the stones, mixed mortar and built the walls. In journeys, he insisted to share the duties. He pitched his tent, chose firewood, carried water, and so on.

The merciful Nabi(ﷺ) always helped others in their work. Workers are our brothers and sisters. They are our helpers. We need them; we depend on the for many things that we cannot do for ourselves. Hazrat Muhammad(ﷺ) said, "Your brothers are your responsibility. Allah has made them under your hands. So whoever has a brother under his hand, let him give him food while he eats and dresses as he is dressed. Do not give them work that they will overload them and if you give them such a task then provide them with help."(A-Bukhari)


Both intellectual and physical work is known as labour. A teacher teaches at school. A lawyer practise law in court. A farmer works in Fields. A worker works in factory. A miner works in the mine. A doctor practice medicine. An artisan works in a rectory. A clerk works in an office. Dignity of labour demands that the work of arusans, farmers, miners etc. should be regarded as respectable as that of doctors, teachers, lawyers etc.

Prosperity of a nation depends upon the hard work it does, lf a nation does not give importance to labour it will remain backward. European nations learn to work with tools and machines after the industrial revolution. The progress of Europe is outcome of the hard work of the people and the recognition of labour of the labourers.Common workers work in factories, fields, mines etc.
Their labour moves the wheel of progress. This movement brings prosperity and progress of a country. Hence, we can say work is power. Therefore, work should be given recognition and importance. On the other hand, physical labour keeps us active an physically fit. It also promotes fellowship and co-operation.

In the developed countries people recognize dignity of labour. There is no servant class in the west. The people do their household work themselves. They do not feel any disgrace in this. Whereas, in underdeveloped countries well-to do people consider it below their dignity to work with their own hands. For progress it is essential that we should get rid of such false ideas of dignity and respect.

It is high time that we should recognize that all labour is dignified and prestigious. No profession is inferior or superior to others. It is our attitude and thinking that makes it dignified or otherwise.

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