The Place of Women in Our Society Women before Islam Societies in the past were male dominated in nature. Women were not given their rights. They were treated like slaves. The cruel tradition of killing baby girls was common among the Arabs before Islam. It was Islam that raised the status of women in the society. Women in Islam Women in Islam stand shoulder to shoulder with men. This status of women is unprecedented in the known history of human mind. This raised position of women in Islam is very well defined. Islam grants women the right of ownership and right to inheritance. They can engage in trade and have their own property. Islam realized the importance of woman. That is why Islam gives equality between men and women. As a mother, her position is unique. She brings up the children with extreme care and the first school of child is the lap of his/her mother. The right of women to seek knowledge is not different from that of men. Hazrat Muhammad (ï·º) said: ...
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